
I've written for The Washington Post, Oprah Daily, NBC Think, Shondaland, The Huffington Post, WBUR, and The Chronicle. 

I have an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the University of New Hampshire and a B.S. in English/journalism from there, as well. In my early professional years, I taught freshman college English before transitioning to high school teaching and eventually landing as a librarian. Books, reading, and writing have been at the center of my days for decades.

Now, I write about parenting, mental health, loss, grief, and new beginnings. I live on the elbow of Cape Cod with my two teenage daughters, husband, and Goldendoodle, Kylo Ren (named by the crazy Star Wars fans I live with). The townies call me a wash-ashore, even though I spent every summer in Chatham—my suburban Boston upbringing prevents me from ever changing status.

To keep myself sane, I jump in the Atlantic Ocean daily—in the winter months questioning that same sanity. I love hawks screeching overhead and the smell of low tide. I can’t go to bed without a sweet treat (usually some form of chocolate) and don't understand people (like my husband) who can. 

If you want to know more about me or my work, follow me on Twitter @AmyMcHughWriter.